Wednesday 18 August 2021


Hello Everyone,

In every day practice, we most often come across is the digestive problems or diseases associated with abdominal disorders. Grahani Organ is site of Jatharagni which is responsible for digestion and also associated with proper Stool formation.  As we know, patients come to Ayurved Physician at later stage of disease. But past clinical history of patient reveals most of the time irregularities in proper digestion and Bowel Habits. 

Hyperacidity, Indigestion, Gastritis are common clinical diagnosis in routine OPD. It is important to understand such cases which are commonly treated as Indigestion and Gastritis in general OPD of Contemporary medicine system in Ayurvedic perspective. 

So from Department of Samhita and Siddhant, M.D. Scholar Vd. Nishigandha Kulkarni has tried to correlate common clinical contemporary diagnosis of Gastritis with Grahani.

Please click the  Link given for Article published: